Kaffe O

Brand Strategy.
Art Direction & Consultation.
Identity Design.
Menu Design.
Signage & Interiors Graphics.
Social Media Collateral.
Brand Style Guide.
Apparel Design.

Orla Smyth – founder of Kaffe O – approached us in 2014 with a brief to design the branding for a Nordic café. ‘Nordic café? In Belfast?’ – were the first thoughts that popped into our heads. The initial scepticism faded quickly upon hearing just how in detail Orla had planned her vision.

Ormeau Road was the first branch (now also situated in Botanic, Lisburn Road, Cregagh Road, Donegall Square) which was quite fitting as both Orla and Stylografik are from the Ormeau Road.

Since then its been a pleasure to work on all the artwork for Kaffe O, watching it grow from a vision in Orla’s head into one of Ireland’s finest coffee establishments.

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E-commerce website built for Kaffe O